By Yehuda Ribco
Archivo de la categoría: English
Daily Advice 22
By Yehuda Ribco
The measure of spiritual success isn’t how much you own, but how much you share.
Daily Advice 21
Daily Advice 20
By Yehuda Ribco
Get adequate rest, eat moderately, do physical exercise, work, love, enjoy, pray, study, learn, think, have fun, have private moments, help your community, contribute to noble causes.
There is no mystery to achieve the welfare in this world and have the everlasting joy of Paradise.
Daily Advice 19
By Yehuda Ribco
You don’t have to invent the wheel, but you have the right and duty to know that it exists and how you can use it.
Daily Advice 18
By Yehuda Ribco
You have to tense the arch for the arrow to be shot forward.
To a certain extent, the tenser the arch is, the further the arrow will fly.
Take counsel of the wise men; learn from your past, drink of the living wisdom of the Tradition, in order to project yourself vigorously in a promising future.
Daily Advice 17
By Yehuda Ribco
Freedom is not doing what you want, but living according to the Commandments that the Lord mandated you to fulfill.
Daily Advice 16
By Yehuda Ribco
Religious person revolves his/ her life around his/her emotions, wishes and the opinion of “others”.
For the religious person, God is a word, an excuse, something distant and lacking of a real presence.
Spiritual person revolved his/her life around the Commandments ordered by God, makes his/her personality and thus build his/her community
For the spiritual person, God is Father and King. He is never absent or really moving away of him/her.
Daily Advice15
By Yehuda Ribco
You are allowed to make a mistake, but you have the right and duty to correct yourself.
Daily Advice 14
By Yehuda Ribco
Trust in the Eternal and do your part of the work.
Whatever the outcome give thanks for it with sincerity.