Aside from the Torah, there’s an universal path for all the humankind. This path consist of seven basic categories of commandments. This seven categories provide the ethical and moral foundations for human society. What it more, there are hebraic sources which point out that all human beings should follow this commandments, given the fact that they’re within the boundaries of human reason, spirit and heart. (Talmud introduction by Rabbi Nissim Gaon).
There is an increasing number of people who are committed to fulfil the precepts of this universal path. We are known as the B’nei Noah – Descendants of Noah – since this commandments were reaffirmed during Noah’s generation after the great flood.
An ancient sage called Maimonides stated that this universal path was also reaffirmed when the Torah was given at the Mount Sinai. (Laws of Kings 8:11). We, the noahides accepted that the Torah was given to the jewish people at the Mount Sinai and therefore we understand that the overall of our identity relies upon the ancient sages of jewish tradition.
Just like you, most of the people is carrying a heavy bag full of christian teachings. The big difference is that in this moment that bag is becoming less and less heavy since we’ve accepted the teachings of the Torah regarding God’s oneness, the Messiah, the purpose of humankind among other related issues. We consider ourselves (and we are considered to be) friends of the jewish people all over the world, we respect their spiritual identity. Unlike many christian groups whose purpose is to convert the jewish people, we Noahides aim to support them on their spiritual path.
As friends of the jewish people, we reject any kind of anti-semitism and we support those ideas that procure the welfare of the jewish nation in their homeland Israel.
Around 2000 years ago many noahides started worshiping a man who many proclaimed was the only one through whom one could get closer to God. It is our duty to repudiate such belief and to chose to follow the truth, Abraham and Sarah’s original teachings that showed the correct way in which humans should pray to God. In fact, all major figures like Moshe, Aharon, Miriam, Deborah, David, Isaiah and Jeremiah, prayed directly to God. We can realise this just by reading the psalms of king David.
Sadly, nowadays, there are many groups preaching about the hebraic origins of christian faith. They claim this teachings are mandatory for humankind, nevertheless, from Torah’s perspective, those who pray directly to God, as the patriarchs did, are the only ones in touch with their authentic spiritual identity since they’re doing as Abraham, Sarah among other biblical figures did.
It’s good to remember that “The Lord is near to all who call Him, to all who call Him with sincerity.” (Psalm 145:18). The sages of truth and light have explained that God is close to everyone regardless of nationality. In other words, you don’t need to become a jew in order to experience God’s love.
Many of us were told that our soul would be damned for ever and that we wouldn’t enter heaven if we didn’t accept christianity’s fake messiah as our “lord and savior.” Well, here you’ll be in good company, since according to this self-proclaimed christian “sages” the people of Israel will not enter the kingdom of heaven, we don’t pray nor do we consider such individual as our “lord and savior” but we rather to remember that: “I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior” (Isaiah 43:11).
Try to learn this ancient teachings:
“The righteous among the nations of the world will have a share in the World-to-Come.”
(Tosefta – Sanhedrin 13:1)
“And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it. And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord’s mount, to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:2-3)
May the Lord guide you, bless you and protect you through the development of your noahide identity.
By Jonathan Ortiz
Translated by Hugo R. Valtierra
May H’ let this translation be according to His will and for the enlightenment and awakening of all noahides around the world.
Link to the original article in spanish: