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Daily Advice 11

By Yehuda Ribco

There are those paying a very close attention to the applause from others and forget that the only important applause is that one given by ourselves and being accepted in Heaven.

There are those who only are applause themselves and forget that if they don’t encourage the others, their self-applause is no useful and their attitude is disapproved High Above

There are those who applause and don´t don’t want to be applauded…

Daily Advice 10

By Yehuda Ribco

It feels “good” complaining of, laying the blame on someone and claiming to life.

It feels so “good”, that it is the certain way to be ruined and suffer an everlasting discomfort.

The winner’s path consists of work, responsibility and commitment.

Who acts like a winner, finds the good. He/she does not stay on a “good” transient feeling.

For newcomers

ByJonathan Ortiz

In addition to the Torah, there is a universal path for all the mankind.  It contains seven basic classes of commandments, which provide ethical and moral foundations for the human society. Besides, there are Hebrew sources, which state that all the mankind has the obligation to keep these commandments inasmuch as they are suggested by logic and the understanding of heart (Introduction to the Talmud by Rabbi Nissim Gaon).

There are a growing number of non-Jews engaged in observing the Laws of this universal path. We are known as “Bnei Noach”- Children of Noach-, since the Fundamental Commandments were confirmed during the generation of Noach, after the Flood.

An old Sage called Maimonides stated that this universal path later was confirmed when the Torah was given at Mount Sinai (Laws of Kings, 8:11).

We, as Noachides, accept that the Torah and its interpretations were given to the Jewish People at Mount Sinai, so we understand that the integral development of our identity depends largely on the teachings of authorized and qualified Jewish Teachers.

Maybe like you, the vast majority of us brought a burdened by Christian teachings. The main difference is that the burden is now significantly lower since we have chosen to accept the teachings of the Torah concerning to the Oneness of God, the messiah, man’s purpose on this world, and related matters. We are regarded, and see ourselves, as true friends of the Jewish People on a worldwide level. We respect their spiritual identity. Contrary to many Christians that look for “converting” the Jewish People, the Noahides endeavour supporting them in their spiritual path. We as friends of the Jewish People repel any form of anti-Judaism and support all those ideas that endeavour well-being for the Jewish Nation in their land Israel.

Many of the Noachides who “were born” again, deified a man who lived approximately 2000 years ago and many of them proclaimed that the only way to come closer to God was through this man. It’s a duty to repulse such belief and choose the original teaching of Abraham and Sarah, who taught to the mankind praying to G-d. Indeed, all the great figures including Moshe (Moses), Aaron, Deborah, David, Isaiah and Jeremy, pray directly to God. You only need to read some of the psalms of King David to understand it.

Sadly, there are groups that teach about the Hebrew roots in Christianity. They proclaim that those Hebrew roots are necessary for the mankind. However, from the point of the view of the Torah,  who pray directly to G-d, as the Patriarchs did , are the only who  were  really to the “root” of  their spiritual identity, inasmuch as they emulate Abraham , Sarah and all the great figures from the Bible.

We must remember that “Hashem is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth” (Psalms 145:18). Teachers of Light and Truth explain that G-d is nigh unto ALL, regardless of the nationality. In other words, you don´t need to be Jewish to experience the love of God.

Many of us were told that our soul would be eternally damned and we wouldn’t enter Heaven if we don’t accept the central figure of Christianity as “lord and saviour”. Well, here you have found good company, inasmuch as from the point of view of these Christian teachers, the People of Israel won´t go to Heaven and we don’t pray to nor consider that person as “Lord and Saviour”, but we remember the maxima: “I, even I, am HaShem; and beside Me there is no saviour” (Isaiah 43:11)

You have to learn and old teaching:

The pious of the nations of the world have a portion in the world to come”. 
(Tosephta –Sanhedrin 13:1)


“And it shall come to pass in the end of days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

And many peoples shall go and say: ‘Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:2-3).

May the Eternal guide you, bless you and protect you in developing your Noachide identity.


Daily Advice 8

By Yehuda Ribco

There are two kinds of “righteous” people:

1- Warming jackets and

2- Stoves

The former ones don’t damage their neighbor, but they are only righteous to the things that concern themselves. They get warm, without taking into consideration the neighbor.

The latter ones are righteous before themselves and the neighbor. It´s no use they were being warmth, but the neighbor is warm too.

Noach wore his warming jacket.

Avraham, the first Patriarch, was a stove.

…And you?

Daily Advice 7

By Yehuda Ribco


Don´t tell your child that he/she should be good, rather teach him/her that you are good because you act righteously.
Don’t tell your child what is good because he/she heeds you. Tell him/her that he/she  is good, whatever he/she does, but  his/her conduct should be in harmony with his/her inner beauty, since a misbehavior  gives her/him a bad image

Daily Advice 6

By Yehuda Ribco.
You are son of God by birthright. He loves you, is with you. He sustains you. Nothing and nobody can deny this right that belongs to you.
But it depends on your deeds, whether you really behave like a son of God or you slighting Him as if you are a stranger.
It depends on your deeds, whether if you will be embraced as a child or ordered as a servant.

Meditate upon it…

Daily Advice 5


By Yehuda Ribco.

There are Noahides who are still prisoners of a very ordinary belief among those that have rediscovered their Noahide essence, which consists of feeling and thinking themselves like the silly brothers of Judaism; toddlers who need to be taken from one place to other.

The fact is that this feeling has no a real foundation, but  the fact that this Noahide hasn’t yet taken over the ripeness and power of his/her Noahide identity.

When he/she accepts his/her spiritual identity  with determination and commitment,  he/she  is admitting  her/himself as  a partner of the Jews  in the task of making shalom to perfect the world.